Monday, March 12, 2012

A mystery...

This post is a little different from the usual Bible studies posted on here. But the concept behind it–something hidden–is repeated throughout the Bible. The Bible is full of mysteries–some revealed, some yet to be made known. There is the mystery of the kingdom of God (Mark 4:11), the mystery of the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 2:7), the mystery of the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:51), and so many more! In fact, forms of the word "mystery" occur 32 times in the NKJV. And that’s not even including all the Old Testament prophecies which must have been quite a mystery before Jesus came!

The answer to this "mystery" is going to be a Bible reference.   If you can break the code behind the poem and find the answer, I’ll have a post about it ready next week!

(If you need a hint to get you started, you might want to know that I like numbers a lot!)

Pressing anxiously ahead,
Remembering lands in time past
Imbedded deeply in memory.
How I long ne’er again to leave
Where true honor reigns
In the mysterious lore of old.
Knights and dragons, elves an’ fairies

In stories of myths forgotten,
Mixed with childhood dreams my own.
Conquering evil with sword and shield,

Singing the song of the victor's return,
Finding peace in the glade and glen
Of children’s land.


  1. Wow, this is a lot harder than I expected! You have me stumped, but I'll give it some more thought.

    Also, this is just an idea, but if someone finds the answer, why don't we e-mail you, that way we don't give it all away to everyone else who reads this post =) Sound good?

  2. Thank you! =)

    Some friends and I wrote a bunch of these and sent them to each other; we made them all somewhat challenging and then spent the next few weeks working together to solve them! It might be more fun if you try solving this together. We had a lot of fun trying to do them as a team.

    Need a hint?

  3. Sure, I'd gladly take one.

    Post it here, if you wish to share with others, or send me an e-mail if you like =) It doesn't really matter to me...

    Oh, and I have Bible riddle that a lady gave to me one time, which I could share with you, but you might have already heard it before.

  4. Try looking up Genesis 15:5 (the first half of the verse).

    Sure! What's the Bible riddle?

  5. I need to get it again, because I lost it...and then I'm planning on e-mailing it out, because it's kind of long =)

    Thanks for the hint!

  6. I'll be posting the answer tomorrow=)
    The only hint I can give you and still keep it "fair and square" is that you need to number the letters...

  7. Uh... what does "number the letters" mean? Also, what letters...the ones in the riddle or the verse Genesis 15:5??? Well, I'll be quite anxious for tomorrow then! =)

    How about any of you all...have you come up with the answer to the riddle I posted? Go phrase by phrase and think through each one, and you'll probably get it. By the end, when I wasn't getting it, I was ready to read my Bible through and find the thing that was only mentioned 4 times in the Bible =) I did figure it out before I did that though.

  8. Sorry to confuse you!

    Genesis 15:5 says to number something; you're supposed to give the letters in the riddle numbers.

    I haven't solved yours yet! Every time I think I get something, I check biblegateway and it doesn't fit the four-times-only part...still working on it=)

  9. Well, I still haven't figured it out. Carissa and I were trying last night (putting on our "thinking caps") but we still couldn't come up with anything.

    "Give the letters in the riddles numbers"....that would be so many numbers though. We were thinking that we were supposed to give them numbers and then the first two would be the reference, but that wasn't working at all. I'm still thinking about it though :P
