Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Word

In the beginning was The Word,
And the Word was with God,
And the Word was God.

Think about the beginning, there was God, and nothing besides God. John 1 goes on to say that all things were made through God, and without God, there was nothing. Starting to get the picture?:) Let's keep reading...

"In Him was life, and the life was the light of men! And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." These are verses that we have memorized, quoted many, many, many, many times, and heard all of our lives! Do you realize what that means? That means you have THE WORD in your hands, in your mind, and at your constant disposal! If the Word is God, then that means we have God...His thoughts, His actions, His words, the most supreme, awesome, wonderful, magnificent power written down for us to understand, and in our minds!

Don't take The Word of God for granted! When you read Jesus' words, don't skim over it because you know it so well...LOVE IT! Soak it in, realizing that IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Love it enough to make sure others have heard it as well. To the world, The Bible is foolishness, but to us it is the power of God! Be bold enough to share this Power, and then sit back and be amazed at what God can do when we hand over the controls!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Emily! The Word becoming flesh is not something to be skimmed over! Thanks for reminding us never to take the Bible lightly. God forbid that we are participating in rote memorization--these verses are life-changing!
