Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Guiding Light

The idea of Christ as the Light of the world has always fascinated me. Even the world recognizes that the “Dark Side” is evil and it takes a supernatural force to conquer it. But they leave out what kind of force it takes to conquer the dark. A light saber doesn’t cut it. All it does is glow in the dark. The world needs a light that expels darkness, turning the darkness to light–not a laser beam. Jesus is the conquering Light; He is the One who gives direction to our lives. On our own, we are helplessly lost in the dark. I remember when we were visiting my grandparents and I went down to the basement early in the morning to study. I was carrying down my laptop and a stack of books and couldn't turn on the light. I miscounted one stair. You get the picture–without a light shining on our otherwise dark path, we’re bound to mess up.

John 1:4-5 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Psalm 119:105 Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

The light which on my way once so brightly shone
First flickered, then darkened to dimmer glow
When I the wind-blown path did own.

Then I, lamp burning with flame low,
Strayed from the straight and the narrow way
To be carried about, tossed to and fro.

I knew no right or wrong; all was grey
As I blundered about in darkest night
Till I knelt down in deep despair to pray.

Then a hand struck a flame and rekindled my light
And gently leading me back to the path from which I stray’d,
Taught me not to trust again in my own might.

Today is the halfway point--six months from today, 300 Bible Bee contestants and their families will be in Nashville!

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